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Leaders in Business Consulting and Digital Marketing Innovation


Business Coaching and Digital Marketing Consultants

We Help Your Business Succeed through ​Expert Coaching and​ Enhancing your Web Presence

At GMH Consultants, our priority is your complete business success. For more than 10 years, we have helped businesses improve their performance obtaining new customers or clients, improve their customer service and customer satisfaction and improve their bottom line profits, making friends and lifelong relationships along the way. We represent  each client individually and invest our very best minds in every task we take on.

Your business's success is our number one priority.

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Our Specialties

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Outside of the Box Thinking


Keeping to your Budget

Customer Focus

Customer Service is Always #1


Building Businesses Through Operational Excellence


GMH Consultants, LP combines forces with Administrative Management Solutions

It just made sense!

As GMH Consultants grows, we are always looking for ways to provide as many services to our clients as possible.  We know that almost everyone likes the convenience of a "one-stop-shop" so, we are always looking for ways to grow our services and make them BETTER!

So, it is with great pleasure that we announce that we have combined our company with Administrative Management Solutions, a premium source of business coaching.  Cathy brings her Administrative Management Solutions business under the GMH Consultants umbrella, effective March 15, 2021. 

Cathy has provided business coaching and business consulting services to companies in the greater Houston, Texas area for over 10 years and is available nationwide.

Her services will take your business from RED to BLACK

Picture of business coach Cathy Homeyer
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