It was once said by some very smart people that "If you do not have a website for your business, you will not be in business in 5 or 10 years" Well... that ship has sailed around the world a few times and there are still lots of successful businesses out there without a Website. That said, a great website can help your sales team deliver quality
Clients / Customers to your business on autopilot. We can deliver the goods on Website Builds, Hosting, Maintenance and Upgrades, when the conditions demand.
​Websites alone are not the be-all, cure-all to make your business successful by any means! But good businesses expect other good businesses to have one. It's okay to just have one and not really expect to gain a lot of business from it but, it needs to be nice looking, fast loading, have great relevant content and easy to navigate around. Most business websites are not e-commerce sites but instead are informative sites that should ask the customer to call you or your sales people or your front office to ask more questions or to schedule a meeting with someone at your company.
he object is to attract people to your site and show your goods or services and entice them to call your phone number or fill out your "contact us" form and submit it, so you can make the person to person contact and eventually the sale of your services or goods.
We call this the "war room"! We meet to strategize as a goup in one corner and hammer it out in the other corner at our desks. When one of us gets stumped, we can quickly ask our co-working coders for some input to help break the brain lock. This makes our productivity increase a lot and enables us to get our work done expeditiously. When one of us gets to an ending point, we can swap desks and check each others work and make suggestions for clarity or other improvements.
The "attract people to your website" is the hard part. You can build a nice website with all the attributes listed above and NEVER GET TRAFFIC to your site. Been there. Done that. Here's where the Search Engine Optimization or SEO comes in. The search engines, like Google, Bing and others, have all kinds of things they like to see in a website and this changes a little every day. Tons of things! Some things matter a lot and some matter a little but, they like to see it all in a website. If they do see what they like in the best matching recipe, they will give your website build FRONT PAGE LISTING on their search results pages. This is where you want to be with your website pages! But it is still not ALL ABOUT THE WEBSITE! There are many other things like social media, business directory registrations (citations) and a
few other things that help get your website to the first page of search results.
Call us now! or fill out the Contact Form below! Let us talk about how we can help your business succeed and grow!
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GMH Consultants, LP
297 Starburst Ln, Bandera, TX, United States
All Rights Reserved | GMH Consultants, LP